We can help

We're here for you, whatever's on your mind.
We'll support you. Guide you.
Help you make decisions that are right for you.

How can we help you?

Need someone to talk to? Our Helpline is here for you. Reach us at 8008, available every day from 5pm to 9pm, offering a listening ear and support at no cost. Whether it’s big or small, children and young people can trust us with any issue they’re dealing with. We provide various ways to reach out, see links above.

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Childline provides round-the-clock, 24 hours, 365 days a year support to the Royal Gibraltar Police and HM Customs, ensuring that an Appropriate Adult is readily available for every child under 18 in Gibraltar.

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We’ve embraced a preventative approach centred on education and awareness. This involves direct collaboration with parents, caregivers, local schools, and youth organisations to raise awareness about the challenges faced by children and young people.

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At Childline, we understand the challenges and joys of parenthood. Our Family Support sessions are designed to accompany you on this journey, fostering a resilient bond with your child while providing a supportive community of fellow mums and dads. The benefits of exchanging ideas and experiences with other parents can last a lifetime.

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Get involved

Will you be there when a young person needs you the most?

Childline helps children and young people in Gibraltar every day of the year.
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