Childline’s preventative educational strategy has developed in direct response to locally identified areas of need, especially those highlighted via our Helpline Services.

The aims of our programmes are:

  • To raise awareness about local issues affecting children, young people and their parents/care givers.
  • To provide evidence-based information with the aim of enabling and empowering people to make better informed choices and deal with specific issues before they escalate.
  • To work regularly with local schools and youth groups to deliver relevant, current workshops/programmes within the local community.

Our current programmes are:

Childline Well Being Champions

This programme gives children and young people tools and tips to help them feel good about themselves, their life and fulfil their potential. Practising the 5 ways to Wellbeing on a regular basis is proven to help children and young people achieve this. Childline train children and young people to be Wellbeing Champions.

The 5 ways to wellbeing that are taught are: Be Active, Learn, Give, Take Notice & Connect.

Further information & booking

Heads Up!
These are a toolkit of sessions which promote healthy mental health and emotional well-being. They are delivered in small groups to facilitate discussions. We explore mental health and emotional wellbeing issues to develop resilience,…
Smart Moves
The overarching principle of this course is to equip children to deal with life challenges. Designed to help students with transitioning from middle school (year 6) to secondary school (year 7), as sometimes this transition can be stressful. Exploring thoughts and feelings throughout, as well as providing a useful long-term resource to refer back to in times of stress. It continues with year 7 students, helping them to learn how to cope when things are tough. A resourceful, practical programme which equips students with life-long resilience skills.
‘Express Your Emotions’
This is a fully fun and interactive workshop. Aimed to equip children to name and express their feelings/emotions through art. It creates a safe environment for sharing and reflecting on emotions. Art is a great way of expressing these emotions.
Resilient Minds

The Resilient Minds programme aims to empower students from year 2 to year 7 with the skills, mindsets, and knowledge to navigate life’s challenges effectively.
Recognising that setbacks, obstacles, and disappointments are inevitable parts of growing up and the human experience, this programme seeks to transform these moments into opportunities for personal growth.
Ultimately, our goal is to nurture a generation of children, who are not only academically prepared, but also emotionally prepared to face the ups and downs of life with confidence and courage.

Further information & booking